Celebrating The Rebirth Of Easter At Barleycorn
Now the green blade rises from the buried grain,
Wheat that in the dark earth many years has lain;

Love lives again, that with the dead has been:
Love is come again, like wheat that springs up green.

In the grave they laid Him, Love Whom we had slain,
Thinking that He’d never wake to life again,
Laid in the earth like grain that sleeps unseen:
Love is come again, like wheat that springs up green.

Up He sprang at Easter, like the risen grain,
He that for three days in the grave had lain;

Up from the dead my risen Lord is seen:
Love is come again, like wheat that springs up green.

When our hearts are saddened, grieving or in pain,
By Your touch You call us back to life again;
Fields of our hearts that dead and bare have been:
Love is come again, like wheat that springs up green.

The music accompanying the first video, Drifts Of Snowdrops At Barleycorn, is Mendelssohn's Spring Song.
Drifts Of Snowdrops At Barleycorn
The music accompanying the second video, Springtime At Barleycorn, is Vivaldi's Spring, from The Four Seasons.
Springtime At Barleycorn
Happy Easter, Everyone!
Beautiful and lovely is everything you share my dear friend
I love you
Happy Easter to you and all your family
Love Jeanne♥
That sunset is absolutely amazing. how wonderful it must be to stand in that glow. thank you for sharing.
Have a blessed Easter.
Dear Wildlife Gardener....it is always good to visit and find solace at Barleycorn. Spring has indeed arrived in all her glory......and the Easter message is good for us all to remember.
I went to church yesterday....I sat in the quietness....I like to go when it is empty.
Vivaldi is one of my favourite composers.....beautiful, tku.
Happy Easter to you and yours
Hi Wildie, so much to see at Barleycorn in spring! I have many of the same "suspects" blooming as well, but different birds. And no frogs! I hear them because it's time for the annual frog & toad survey, but I rarely see them! So sweet! Happy Easter!
Happy Easter to you! Such a beautiful variety of Spring impressions of your garden and its surroundings, matching so well with the text! Unfortunately I didn't manage to see the two little videos...it was just black!
Have a nice day!
Happy Easter - I enjoyed my visit as usual, the flowers are lovely especially the aconite don't see much of it these days.
Happy Easter!
Lovely Aconites :-D
A Happy Easter welcome to Everyone at our little corner of paradise :)
* Thank you for your visit and for all your encouraging comments and your friendship, dear Jeanne :)
A warm welcome, Carol...lovely to meet you...welcome to our little corner of paradise :)
I am glad you like the sunset...they are always special :)
* Happy Easter to you too, dear Cheryl...I know what you mean about the quietness in church...so peaceful :)
Thank you, as always, for your encouraging comments :)
* Hi, Monica, welcome back, and Happy Easter to you, too :)
We don't have very much out here yet...but it's getting milder every week...even though we had snow last week :)
The frogs are good fun to watch, and fun to hear their chorus coming from the pond as well :)
* Happy Easter, Barbara :)
I am glad you liked the post, and sorry you didn't manage to see the video links this time.
* Happy Easter, Duxbury Ramblers :)
Lovely to have your company in the garden. I have one patch of aconites. I had five and they have multiplied over the years to form a sizable clump :)
A warm welcome, juliet...and Happy Easter to you :)
Lovely to make your acquaintance...glad you liked the aconites :)
Your Little Corner looks lovely this time of year. Nice colors showing up and the photo of Seagulls is fantastic!
What wonderful pictures... I too love the Seagulls...and the little mating frogs.....you have such a truly amazing post.
Today I had another go with your two videos. But I am so sorry, I only see a black picture again. I have to ask my son when he is here where the problem could be. But in the meantime I looked a second time at your lovely pictures and enjoyed them :-) !
Have a good week,
Oops, I almost forgot to thank you for the very nice Easter card which I liked very much (and its music too!). This was a great surprise! Thank you!
Your spring photos are beautiful. Glad to see it's warming up there ~ it's been a long winter for you (and us too)!!
Gee, your blog is beautiful. Thank you for sharing it!
What a beautiful spring post :)
A lovely Easter post WG.
The Spring flowers are such a welcome sight. Ours are a little earlier this year, due to a mild Winter. We have Ccrocus and violets and several other things out too.
big hugs
Thank you for sharing your beautiful surroundings. The sunset is amazing and those poppies are stunning.
Oh, so lovely. Each photo a feast for the eyes, the music the ears, and words the soul. A very happy blessed Easter to you.
A most blessed rebirth to you!
Thank you for sharing in the bounty and blessings that are yours.
What a lovely kitty...I hope he's not eyeing those birds...
Such lovely aconites, I have planted some of these this year for the first time. Love your photographs and videos, It is always a pleasure to visit here and see the delights of your garden. Thankyou so much for your kind comments on my blog.
So lovely!
April is a busy time in your area. I enjoyed the gulls and the tractor. So wonderful to see the fileds and snowdrops and all sorts of Spring joys. Your birds are always a delight too.
Hope you are having perfect Spring rains...
Soon butterflies,
Hi WG, beautiful photos once again...thanks so much for sharing.
Lovely photos, After all your snow this must feel wonderful. Taz looks very happy to be out and about...
Spring in Tucson is amazing, everything is in bloom, our very hot summer is just around the corner.
What a wonderful post. I really enjoyed the photos and love the seagulls following the tractor.
Welcome back, Chandramouli S...lovely to see you again :)
The seagulls following the tracot is a sign of Spring here... :)
* Great to have your company, Wanda :)
Those mating frogs are still here, croaking away... :)
* So sorry the videos are not playing for you, Barbara...glad the Easter card hit the spot, though :)
* Glad you enjoyed the post, Kathleen...and that we're both into Spring mode at last :)
* A warm welcome, Donell, to our little corner of paradise...so glad you enjoyed the post :)
* Great to have your company, Marie... thanks for your encouraging words :)
* Always a pleasure to see you, dear Sheila...glad you liked the Easter post :)
We now have daffodils, at last...so it really feels like Spring...though we are sitting at 2 degrees today ... :)
* A very wamr welcome to you, Bakingbarb...lovely to meet you :)
The sunsets were brief, but glorious...and the poppies are all from last Summer's photos. My dear friend, Sheila, from the following blog, very generously made my header for me :)
* Dear Morning glories In Round Rock...your lyrical praise has gone to my head...I am blushing now...thank you so much :)
* You are always so generous, dear Sorrow...thank you so much :)
* Great to meet you, Jen...I love it when new friends stop by :)
Taz is fairly well-behaved as far as the birds go...it's the voles, mice and shrews he loves best :)
* Dear Joy, thank you for all those generous comments...I so love coming to Jamjar to enjoy the feast of your creative skills :)
Aconites are a joy and great for spreading themselves around :)
* Dear Sherry, it's always a pleasure to receive such lovely feedback from your visits here...thank you so much :)
I was born in the Spring...and each year, I feel myself come alive again :)
I look for signs of Spring and listen for the choruses of the birds and the frogs; the sounds of the tractors ploughing and the glorious sight and sound of the gulls following behind; baby lambs gamboling in the fields and calling to their mothers in the evenings...so much to be thankful for, in our little corner of paradise :)
* Thank you for stopping by, dear Ruth...always lovely to have your company :)
* Lovely to make your acquaintance, Angryparsnip...welcome to our little corner of paradise :)
It is miraculous to experience the joys of Spring after so much snow...and I will pop over, shortly, to see the joys of Tucson :)
* Dear Sandy...great to see you again...glad you enjoyed the post, and those hungry gulls :)
Lovely lovely lovely part of the world in which you live a mould for the sharing. Love your blog.
* Good afternoon and welcome to our little corner of paradise, A Literary Treat :)
Thank you for your generous comments :)
I have clicked on your name...but, unfortunately, I am unable to reach your blog. Have you perhaps forgotten to add it to the Blogger page?
* Lovely to have your company once more, Linda May ... and thanks for your generosity :)
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