Hand In Hand With Mother Nature
Every moment spent in the company of my family is precious. For though I write, once a month, about what is happening in my garden at Barleycorn, nothing matters more to me in life than my family. When they are here, it is as if time itself stands still, for my whole world revolves around them. The month of May whizzed past in a flurry of exciting trips to London and Paris, and a blissful week of having family staying here. Hence the reason for no posts from Barleycorn.
However, when they had all gone home and I had time to lift my head and look around me, I saw that Mother Nature, during three days of 100 mph gales, had managed to create an altogether different pastiche from the one I had envisaged. In place of tall, graceful plants such as Cirsium thistles, Filipendula and climbing Honeysuckles there is a new architectural madness...and yet, with a beauty of its own. Nature can surprise us in the most unexpected ways, and bring about a transformation which surpasses anything we could have imagined.

Two Winters ago, a lengthy period of snow and severe frost killed off tall shrubs growing in front of the Barn. 20 years' growth was decimated in one fell swoop. That Summer, I sowed a wildflower meadow of annual Poppies, Cornflower, Corncockle and Nigella. This year, all sorts of new seeds are growing there, many of which I did not sow. The wind, the birds and insects have brought seed, and Mother Nature has enhanced my original vision and created an amazing array of wildflowers amongst the cultivars.
As well as the original seed I sowed, there is a scattering of Pink Campion, Welsh Poppies, Ox-Eye Daisies, Forget-Me-Nots, Honesty, and White and Blue Polemonium. Although I do have these growing in other parts of the garden, the wonder and beauty of their appearance in the flower meadow is the magic that Nature has created. It reinforces the idea that gardening with Nature can be inspirational...another force at work with us.

As gardeners, we cannot help but see that nothing stands still. Always and everywhere, there is constant change. Each plant has its season, followed quickly by its seed-time. No sooner are we admiring a flower in full flow, then it is gone.
' But pleasures are like poppies spread,
You seize the bloom, the flower is shed'
Robert Burns
Honesty is one of those plants which is every bit as exciting in seed-form as when it is blooming. In fact, it spends more time with us in seed-form and sheds its outer skin in Autumn to reveal the silver 'coins' so loved by floral artists.

Many years ago, I scattered a packet of Forget-Me-Not seed around a tiny Weeping Birch tree. Twenty years later, we have a carpet of those seeds, mixed with Pink Campion, Ox-Eye Daisies, Oriental Poppies, Welsh Poppies, Alchemilla Mollis, Wild Strawberry and Foxglove. And yet, I did not sow any of the other seed there. It is all due to the magic of Mother Nature weaving her tapestry.

We have Yellow Flag and Blue Sibirica Irises growing happily in and around our ponds. Their rhizomes enjoy being in boggy ground or in water. We do have several Bearded Irises, whose names, sadly, are now lost in the mists of time. These do not flower faithfully each year, because, as my cottage garden gets busier, their rhizomes are not getting enough sunshine to bake them. When they do flower, however, they bring such luxurious colour, it takes our breath away. I love their shape and form, the the melange of colours and the velvety touch of the petals. For all those reasons I enjoy creating watercolour paintings of them. They are definitely in my top ten favourites.
June is the month when our Oriental Poppies bloom. So far, we have had fierce gales and cold temperatures of 9 degrees...not what anyone would desire for Summer weather. That's why I love my Poppies. Their vibrancy and beauty cheers me up no end. Their transience reminds me to enjoy each day, as life passes all too quickly. Later this month we also have scarlet ones, called Curly Locks; white ones, called Perry's White; and pale pink ones, called New Dawn. I adore their deep inky-black anthers and their dinner-plate-sized heads, and especially when Bumble Bees nestle in their centres, as if they had landed in Paradise.
Cirsium Thistles, Alchemilla Mollis and Aquilegia
Once the fierce gales had stopped, we went out to survey the damage. There was no sign of the Circiums, which, two days previously, had stood 8 foot high - tall and proud - creating an architectural feature at one corner of the front pond. Instead, the stems were lying prostrate on top of the surrounding plants. Everything looked spoiled and washed out. Yet, from the debris came a myriad of heads which lifted themselves upwards, towards the light and created a pleasing blend of colours against the lime-green of the Alchemilla and blue of the Aquilegia...and the gales saved me the job of staking them.
Rodgersia At The Front Pond
When I look at all the shades of green in this photo, I see the promise of Yellow and Blue Irises to come and a pond filled with beautiful Water Lilies. But, right at this moment, I love the different greens. Everything goes with green...even red. Green is such a peaceful colour...a perfect foil and background for everything else in the garden. Rodgersia is another of those great architectural plants to have in a garden... and the texture of the leaves is another bonus.
Orange Oriental Poppies
I did not plant these Oriental Poppies. I have a cluster growing opposite them...and, through time, the wind blessed me with this splendid group. Over the years, everything I have growing opposite them, has taken up position adjacent to them and supplied me with a carpet of flowers growing all the way along a hedge bordering the drive.
Oriental Poppies And Blue Centaurea
As you can see, both sets of Orientals have been blown over by the gales, and yet, they look graceful and natural, having lifted their heads up to the light. I love their hairy leaves; their large buds; the way the flower-case opens; the play of light on their petals, which can change them from fiery red to orange to transparent golden yellow; and the pepperpot seed-heads in Autumn. There is even beauty in the fallen petals lying on the ground.
Aquilegia Nora Barlow
A few days ago, when it was windy, I went out for a leisurely stroll around Barleycorn to take video snippets and the photographs I have used in this post. You will see all these flowers, and lots more, in the footage. Taz, the Barn cat, led the way, as always, and stopped where I stopped, and seemed as if he, too, was drinking in the beauty of it all. I hope the video plays all the way through. If not, try it again.
Taz, The Barn Cat, Asleep In The Sun
The music I chose to accompany the video is Karl Jenkins' 'Benedictus' from The Armed Man-A Mass For Peace. It has a measured pace and is quiet and contemplative...music to soothe the soul. I enjoyed my walk, and I hope you do, too. My video is called A Windy Walk Around Barleycorn in June, 2011.
Once the fierce gales had stopped, we went out to survey the damage. There was no sign of the Circiums, which, two days previously, had stood 8 foot high - tall and proud - creating an architectural feature at one corner of the front pond. Instead, the stems were lying prostrate on top of the surrounding plants. Everything looked spoiled and washed out. Yet, from the debris came a myriad of heads which lifted themselves upwards, towards the light and created a pleasing blend of colours against the lime-green of the Alchemilla and blue of the Aquilegia...and the gales saved me the job of staking them.

When I look at all the shades of green in this photo, I see the promise of Yellow and Blue Irises to come and a pond filled with beautiful Water Lilies. But, right at this moment, I love the different greens. Everything goes with green...even red. Green is such a peaceful colour...a perfect foil and background for everything else in the garden. Rodgersia is another of those great architectural plants to have in a garden... and the texture of the leaves is another bonus.
I did not plant these Oriental Poppies. I have a cluster growing opposite them...and, through time, the wind blessed me with this splendid group. Over the years, everything I have growing opposite them, has taken up position adjacent to them and supplied me with a carpet of flowers growing all the way along a hedge bordering the drive.
As you can see, both sets of Orientals have been blown over by the gales, and yet, they look graceful and natural, having lifted their heads up to the light. I love their hairy leaves; their large buds; the way the flower-case opens; the play of light on their petals, which can change them from fiery red to orange to transparent golden yellow; and the pepperpot seed-heads in Autumn. There is even beauty in the fallen petals lying on the ground.
A few days ago, when it was windy, I went out for a leisurely stroll around Barleycorn to take video snippets and the photographs I have used in this post. You will see all these flowers, and lots more, in the footage. Taz, the Barn cat, led the way, as always, and stopped where I stopped, and seemed as if he, too, was drinking in the beauty of it all. I hope the video plays all the way through. If not, try it again.

The music I chose to accompany the video is Karl Jenkins' 'Benedictus' from The Armed Man-A Mass For Peace. It has a measured pace and is quiet and contemplative...music to soothe the soul. I enjoyed my walk, and I hope you do, too. My video is called A Windy Walk Around Barleycorn in June, 2011.
So gorgeous my lovely friend.
I love you
Thanks for all you share.
You have a piece of Heaven on Earth that is for certain♥♥
Dear Wildlife Gardener,
Time with family is so precious. I am so pleased you are able to spend this time with those closest to you. Beautiful memories.
Your garden is so lovely. Mother nature has worked her charms and left a wonderful patchwork of flowers.
I love bearded iris but I have the same problem....sometimes they do not get enough sun to bake them and I just end up with a lovely display of leaves......still that is gardening, good years, bad years and sometimes somewhere in between.
Happy June........
Oh Wildlife Gardener! I knew if I came for a visit you would show me something beautiful. You did.
Glad you had a fabulous month, and the garden looks so serene with all those delicate blooms, and a contented Taz.
It was such a delight to see your video on full screen. You also chose the perfect music for your praise to Mother Nature! I love your various sorts of acquilegia, colors I haven't seen before (there are only two sorts growing in our garden). And the yellow daylilies (hemerocallis citrina??) match perfect to the other plants. It was a wonderful post again. You're right, having the family around for a while, these are very precious moments. I am so glad you had a good time during the time you didn't post.
Best wishes!
All the flowers are beautiful but I do love the Iris. Promise is what keeps us coming back I think.
Id like to invite everyone to read a blog post today of a woman who joined the old order Mennonite church from the outside. I'm extremely lucky in publishing her very first, and most likely last post on Amish Stories. A lot of work was involved in her getting permission to be even able to write anything on the internet, and permission was given by her bishop. So please stop by and read about a woman who gave-up her car and other worldly possessions for the person that she loved. Richard from Amish Stories
Wow! I love your beautiful and colorful garden. My favorite is Orange Oriental Poppies.
Lisa from Acoustic Guitar Software
A delightful series of images of your sanctuary!Loved the image of your barncat!=^.^= Purr-Zzz
Spending time with those we love is no competition with the garden. :) London and Paris, lucky you. I really like your stone barn (wood here) and the cog wheel--I love old rusty things, esp. old farm equipment in the garden.
I hope you're still enjoying your time, be it with your family or with your beautiful (now certainly autumnal) garden.
Best wishes,
Merry Christmas to you and your family and all the very best wishes for 2012!
Have a good time!
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So colorful flowers you have..Just loved them all..
I searched for something completely different, but found your website! And have to say thanks. Nice read. Will come back.
I am huge fan of green things and especially flowers. I have small but packed garden with flowers and you gave me good idea what to plant this year
Thank you for your precious words on my blog today and for being such a wonderful sweet friend.
Love you
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