Bobby-Dazzlers, Every One!

Small Tortoiseshell Butterfly
The month of August is high Summer for us, the time when the garden has a blowsy, overgrown appearance. Foxgloves hang heavy with next year's seed. The majestic stems of Verbascums, stiff Oriental Poppy pepperpots, and the tangle of spent growth on the Geraniums, all now wizened and brown, conspire to say that Autumn is creeping in. But, into that tangled mess fly all the fairies, with their newly-painted diaphanous wings.

Peacock Butterfly on Inula Daisies
Their magical appearance never ceases to amaze me as I gaze upon their beauty with a heart full of joy and wonder. The fact that we are 225 metres above sea-level, and, therefore, colder and wetter, must have a bearing on the infrequent sightings of butterflies. Considering the layout of the garden has more nectar borders containing host plants for several species, than anything else, it has always saddened me to find so few sightings.

Throughout the Summer we see Small Whites and Large Whites on a regular basis. They lay their eggs on the patches of nettles, to which I give house-room especially to encourage butterflies. If I have grown Nasturtiums, as I have in my Summer meadow this year, their leaves will look like lace curtains by the end of the season.

But...towards the end of August, we have this magical rainbow of, russet, azure blue, orange, bronze and creamy-white. They all congregate on the Inula Daisies. I have spread these around the garden over the years. But, it is always the patch on which the sun shines for most hours in the day which they prefer. Each probosis goes at it, hammer and tong, so to speak, as they gather their much-sought nectar. Each season many will breed, lay eggs and die. But the magic they bring is worth the brief visit, and, possibly, because of their infrequent appearance, much more appreciated than if they were flying around every day...though, for me personally, I would never tire of the company of wall-to-wall butterflies in my garden.

Competing for space on each flowerhead are the Hoverflies, Bumble Bees and Bees, as well as Wasps. They are no less welcome as each has a part to play in the web of life which keeps my garden organic and chemical-free and thus better for the environment. Every one is a pollinator, though most people are surprised when I tell them that applies to Wasps too, and that they are not simply here on earth to torment our picnics.

Only today, I was reminded of the story, by Simon Barnes in the Times, of the importance of Wasps and how it is they who invented paper by chewing woodpulp, and how the Chinese cottoned on to that ...and the rest is history. In fact there would be no history, no Shakespeare, no poetry without the Wasps inventing paper. So, perhaps we should salute them and sing their praises, rather than destroy them with the newspapers which we read from, thanks to them.

I have said this many times before in my journal...but, I allow Snails and Slugs to roam freely in my garden. I found this little fellow with his broken shell crawling away for safety under the patio. They are the dustmen of the garden, feeding on the rotting plants, and, in turn, becoming food for Thrushes and other birds, and the colony of mature frogs in our two ponds. I know they can be naughty and eat new seedlings. But there are ways around that. I use coffee grinds and crushed eggshells to deter them and I grow many seeds in large pots with vaseline around the rim, which also hinders the Snails and Slugs from crawling into the pots. In that way, we live in harmony and they survive by eating spent leaves and rotting plants.

The Summer meadow I grew has continued to mature and grow, and grace the garden with much colour...reds, oranges and pinks of Poppies; blue, white and pink Cornflowers; blue and white Nigella; baby-pink Cosmos; inky-purple Cerinthe Major; several Sunflowers and hundreds of Nasturtiums. In the two videos I took this month, I have included more footage of the Summer meadow as it developed and matured.

I leave you with this quote from Ecclesiastes 3 Verse 11.
He has made everything beautiful in its time.
The first video, called Fairy Magic At Barleycorn, August 2010, is of the Butterflies, Bumble Bees, Hoverflies and other pollinators which have paid us visits this month. I used Rimsky-Korsakov's Scheherazade to accompany the dancing insects.
In the second video, called High Summer At Barleycorn, August 2010, I walked around Barleycorn at various times to give an overall impression of what is in bloom throughout August. Jay Ungar's The Ashokan Farewell is the accompaniment. ( I hope both will play continuously...if they pause, try hovering the mouse over Play. It works for me when they stick. Happy Viewing...Enjoy!)
Dear Wildlife Gardener, I could not agree more, butterflies are incredibly beautiful. I love them all, including the whites. I grow nettles in the copse for any creature that needs them, but mainly for the butterflies.
I let any creature roam my garden these days. I have stopped protecting hostas etc with gravel and other organic methods. I now let nature totally take care of itself. The thrush visits regularly, so I do not get much damage. Actually lacey leaves sometimes look quite pretty!!lol
I think at last I may have balance in my garden....
Beautiful post as always.....I do hope that you are well and that life is treating you kindly.
Wildie! Love the barley field shot. Beautiful! Also love all the butterflies, bees,, and the snail. Also love the inula daisies on which many of them are posing. :)
I have NEVER captured a good shot of a butterfly, so especially enjoyed the photos of your beautiful visitors!
I do love end-of-the-summer gardens whenever all the plants and flowers have well settled in are becoming quite wild and unruly! The butterflies were slow this year, I thought. My mum planted quite a few varieties of plant for attracting them (just now I'm tired and can't think of what they're called!) but it's just in the last week or so that the butterflies have visited the garden in any great numbers. Small tortoiseshells are the most common, with quite a few red admirals and cabbage whites and the odd peacock. A new-comer this year was the Speckled Wood.
I like snails too! They're quite fun; I like letting them touch my fingers with their feelers. This year I smeared vaseline around the rims of my French Bean pots and it kept them away.
Your butterfly numbers may not be great, but the ones you have are beautiful. I love the shot of the barley field. There is just something so comforting about seeing grain ripening in the field.
I also let all little creatures in the garden roam as they please - it keeps the proper balance in the garden and it always means that there is some food for the birds.
I have yet to get a photo of a red admiral and a painted lady this year in the garden - whites, tortoiseshell and peacocks find my garden more favourable.
beautiful creature's nice shot . once Ive seen some snails in my garden and something pop up on my mind . why not to make a wind spinners and wind chimes design out of this little creature . fantastic now my friends are envy of it .
You certainly have a great variety of winged visitors to your beautiful garden. It looks as if the snail may have been a proposed meal for a bird. I'm glad he got away.
I let my garden do it's own thing this year and it has been much better. It will change as the trees continue to mature but change can be good!
Hope you and Hubby are well.
with love and hugs
How lovely and beautiful is all that you share my sweet friend.
Thanks for your kind words and your love
Love you
Your photos are beautiful as always and your little corner of paradise is as beautiful as ever.
HOW do you catch those butterflies? I have so many images of flowers which they have just left. I have those of bees that zoom in when I am not looking for them, so that is luck. Oh, and I have one in which the butterfly looks as though it is inside out, or upside down, because of the position of its wings in mid-flight.
Well. Yours are gorgeous. Congratulations on your exquisite photography.
They are so pretty, delicate and graceful. Quite different wing patterns to the ones we see over here. What happened to that poor little snail's shell, did he eat your plants, Hahaha.
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