The 23rd Psalm ...for busy people
We shall not rush.
for quiet intervals
which restore our serenity.

through calmness of mind,
Even though we have many things
to accomplish each day,
For His presence is near.

will keep us in balance.

in the midst of our activity.
with the oil of tranquillity.
Our cup of joyous energy overflows.
For we shall walk
in the pace of the Lord

I don't have an English Bible but I know this psalm in my language. The English version seems to be quite different, I only see a slight ressemblance. Are these the words as they are written in the Bible? Your beautiful pictures match wonderful with the written words. Thank you. This is a perfect post for Ascension Day!
*Welcome to you, dear Barbara. lovely to have your company :)
This is not the actual version in the Book of Psalms. It is a modern translation...for busy people, but it echoes the sentiments of the original. It is a bit like saying...even if we translate the famous psalm into modern poetic language, the original meaning will still be the same :)
I'm so glad you liked the post. Thank you for your generous comments :)
Just beautiful WG and isn't it true, sometimes we need to pause and renew ourselves... Nature is such a good way to do this.
Just what I needed today. You are a blessing.
Thank you wildlife gardener....your post restores spirit and soul. As always your photographs enhance the words.
I shall show my mother, I think it is only her faith that keeps her going these days.
Words to live by.
I would certainly enjoy taking a slow stroll around the pond at Barleycorn..!
Hi, Everyone, and a warm welcome to our little corner of paradise :)
* Lovely to see you, dear Ruth. I definitely agree we all need to take time to smell the roses :)
* Welcome back, Sandy. Will you stay for a friendly cuppa? Come and sit with me by the pond and watch the world go by :)
* Hi, Cheryl. Come and join us for a while and drink in the peace of the garden.
Every garden we visit should help to uplift our spirits and blow the cobwebs away, as yours does. Give my love to your dear Mum :)
* How nice to see you, dear Sheila :)
Come on a little stroll with me around the ponds and listen to Mr Blackbird singing his melodious song. There's the conifer where they are going to raise their brood this year. They've been gathering all the material from around the pond...moss from the stones, straw from last year's grasses, and some fur from the cats' coats I left out after brushing them all. Will you take a glass of wine? :)
These are beautiful and peaceful indeed...could really use it today.
Glad you managed to chill out today by the Barleycorn ponds, Shoshana :)
What a beautiful post... Thank you!
Have a nice weekend :)
Glad you liked the post, Marie. Thanks for the visit :)
What a lovely and calming post for the day. Thank you!
Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage
Beautiful words to go along with oh so beautiful images!
Excellent post Wildlife Gardener!
Nature is how I renew my self! :)
Have a great weekend!
Amen. (And thank you once again for showing us the way of 'the word').
hi Sandy! Amen to this. i personally like photos 7 and 11. the tree reflected on the water adds beauty to each photo.
Truly a psalm to live by and to remember in our crazy world today. Your post is beautiful.
beautiful psalm for all of us, especially busy people.
When one gets so busy, often it is an escape from something we don't want to face. On the other hand do we have to face everything?
Your pond looks perfectly balanced - I hope to get such state.
Very apt as we are driving to France today. The beauty of the world of blog is that we will not lose touch !. xx
Good morning, One and All, and welcome to our little corner of paradise :)
* You are so right, Cindy. We all need time 'to sit beneath the bough' Thanks for visiting :)
* Welcome back, Catherine. Nature certainly works its magic on everyone, I agree. Come again soon :)
* Lovely to have your company, Joey. Psalm speaks of reassurance and comfort to us all :)
* A warm welcome, Dong. Thank you for introducing yourself. You are most welcome. Reflections of trees on water are so pretty and surreal. See you soon :)
* Great to see you, Kathleen. We need to take time to be still and appreciate the beauty around us. I'm glad you came :)
* Come and join us, Ewa :)
Let's have a party! Our ponds are 17 years old now and fairly easy to look after. Plenty of oxygenators, some marginals, a few lilies acquired over the years, and the wildlife - that brings everything to life and gives it meaning and purpose - will arrive of its own accord :)
* Bon Voyage, dear Martin...and dear Wendy too...look after yourselves in La Belle au revoir :)
Beautiful images and sentiment.
Sara from farmingfriends
Lovely to have your company, Sarah. Glad you liked the post :)
A wonderfully restorative posting. For me nature is there to calm the soul and lift the spirits, and this posting does just that. We all need time to reflect, finding that time is the key.
Hope this is okay but have linked this site to me, spread the word
Great to see you again, Border Reiver...and I agree, 'A poor life this, if full of care, we have no time to stand and stare' :)
I have already marked you in my favourite blog folder :)
For busy people who need to sit and read sometimes :-) Thank you!
After the hard day's work I did in the garden today, Chris, I need to sit down and read now...Thanks for the visit :)
That was cool, W.G. And (thankfully) no pictures of squirmy tadpoles! LOL
Lovely photos for a beautiful psalm.
What beautiful reflections in those photos and I've always loved that psalm. Great way to start my Saturday...
I have had a look in your blog twice now and am enjoying your spring as our season is cooling down and heading towards winter. Love to see the tadpoles progress and the newts. I don't know of newts here,which of course does not mean there aren't any. I will be back to check what you are up to in your blog.
What a lovely illustrated version of this familiar Psalm! Thanks for sharing ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
It had such a soothing effect on the soul, just the right recipe for the mind driven to exhaustion in this mad mad World.
Whenever I am into rush and despair, your words will be with me to calm me down.
Beautiful!! Have a wonderful evening!
kari & kijsa
What a wonderful modern take on the Lords prayer, and your photographs are so perfect to go with it, your blog is an oasis of calm in this busy world, thank you.
Welcome to our little corner of paradise, Everyone, on this beautiful May Day holiday :)
* Lovely to have your company, Sally. The tadpoles have all hatched and are swimming freely around the pond :)
* Great to see you back again, Duxbury Ramblers. Glad you liked the post :)
* Thank you , dear Sandy. I'm so glad the words of the psalm 'hit the spot' on Saturday :)
* Welcome back, Linda May. Come and join us. We are just into Spring now after a long wet Winter; so everything is lush and green and raring to go :)
* Thank you for introducing yourself, Storyteller. You are most welcome. Thanks for your kind words :)
* Dear Green Thumb....always lovely to have your company in the garden. This psalm is so calming and soothing; and it's good to take time to contemplate the beauty of the world around us :)
* Hi there, Kari & Kijsa. Come and rest awhile beside the pond :)
* So nice to see you again, Joy. Let's go for a stroll around the ponds and see if we can spy the newts warming themselves in the shallows...or a little frog sitting on one of the islands :)
Well, what more can I add to what's been said already. ;-) Would ditto do?
Thank you my dear for this lovely post.
Your presence is all I need, Yolanda, in our little corner of paradise :)
Wildie, I love the photo of the marsh marigold, especially!
~ Monica
I'm # 38 !!! Amen Amen. It is very peaceful indeed. Can you imagine how we can get lost in our thoughts of this material world and its ups and downs? And all we have to do is step out of the house and be with our green living things. and God is truly there.
What an inspirational poem! A true Psalm for our modern times.
A sunny welcome to you all on this glorious day of 22 degrees here at Barleycorn :)
* Each marigold is like a little cup of sunshine, dear Garden Faerie...especially for you :)
* I agree with you wholeheartedly, Jeannie the Dreamer...God is everywhere :)
* I'm so glad you liked the modern take on the 23rd Psalm, Friend. I find it inspirational too :)
I loved the plaque Idea. I might pinch it and use it on clay for a garden plaque myself. Thank you.
* Glad you liked the idea, Linda May. We all learn from each other :)
* I'm happy you enjoyed the post, Iowa Gardening woman :)
What a wonderful sentiment. God's word is new everyday. The tulips are beautiful. Our rose garden in Birmingham Alabama USA are beautiful this time of year.
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