Barleycorn Frogathon

Just ask him a question and see,
Like how deep is the froggy pond?
He answers back to me!
Deborah Reed.

A-swimming in the water,
A little green frog,
A-doing what he oughta,
He jumped right off of a lily-pad,
Then he said, "Oh Boy! I sure am glad,
I'm a little green frog,
A-swimming in the water,
Ribbit, ribbit, ribbit!"

I have to thank , and who both take a great many delightful videos of the birds in their gardens; whose blogs are well worth a visit; and who helped me to upload this little video. My new camera has a newer version of AVI files which are not able to be uploaded as the CODECs are not supported by Google or Youtube. My friends sent me instructions on how to import my AVI file to Windows Movie Maker where it converted the massive AVI file into a compressed WMV file, around a tenth of the original size, thus uploading it in a few minutes rather than two hours!
Perhaps I should have accompanied this post with Paul Mc Cartney's 'We All Stand Together', or 'That's What Friends Are For' ? I am so grateful for their help :)
Hi again Wildlife Gardener, I am delighted we were able to help you :-D
Like you, through writing a blog I have e-met so many interesting people. I was delighted that I was able to find someone who could help you. People are generous with their time helping others.
I am delighted that Jamie was able to help you and I would like to thank him here too :-D
As you say, Shirl, people are so helpful and generous with their time.
It was a simple operation in the end but without help it would not have been done, because the saying 'everything is easy when you know how' often needs a friend to demonstrate how easy it can be done :)
I thank you and Jamie once again :)
Thank you for sharing the frogs with us. I have missed mine so much this year and still am not sure what has happened.
I have checked three local ponds very close to my home, an frogs still and no spawn.
That is so sad, Cheryl. I hope they come to go through the mating ritual soo. Perhaps a pesky heron has depleted their numbers...we had one yesterday and he can fairly gobble them up :)
Thanks for comments in my blog.
I have never photographed a frog, you did it very well, nice shots.
I love your web site. The froggy sights and sounds make me homesick for my childhood home. In reading your about me profile, I find we have many things in common. Also, I enjoy the poems you work into your posts. Best Wishes, B........
Those frogs are in kneedeep paradise, thats for sure lol kneedeep *!*
Very interesting! Nice photos!
Have a nice day :)
Oh this was beautiful. I remember when I was a little girl.. I love to see this small frog!
Thank you!
The photos alone are tremendous! I was so looking forward to hearing the frogs but no video! I clicked everywhere and nothing! Boo hoo!!
The photos alone are tremendous! I was so looking forward to hearing the frogs but no video! I clicked everywhere and nothing! Boo hoo!!
There are frogs EVERYWHERE! Delightful :)
Your post; I've readit! readit!
It really is quite remarkable footage. Is it normal to have that many frogs in a pond?
Oh...I love the frogs!!! Great photos...
So fun to read.
Just "hopped" into your blog via Shirls. Nice read and nice posting about our amphibious neighbours. Will dip in and out again over ther weeks to see what happens. Spending a glorious warm day in Dorset yesterday and reading this, spring is here.
Blessings and much love
Thanks for your visits and kind words and the gorgeous photographs of nature and your beauty~
Love Jeanne ^j^
Hi W.G,
There is not much rain where I live, and during peak summers, the sound of rain and the froggie chorus is pure music to the parched soul; call it a conditioned reflex or what, but your post and the video gave me the very same pleasant feeling.
Too cute! Love the poems. The video was way cool, too. I'm glad you learned how to do that. It's so much nicer than going through YouTube.
Amazing beings, these frogs. They seem to hold so many secrets.
LOVE those frogs!!!
A warm welcome to our little corner of paradise, Everyone :)
Once the frogs get used to my presence, they will sit watching me and allow me to photograph them, Helen. Thank you for the compliments :)
Lovely to make your acquaintance, Barbee. You are most welcome :)
Since we have so many things in common, perhaps we are kindred spirits :)
The frogs take me back to my childhood too :)
Hey there, Bimbimbie! Our frogs are not as big as yours in Australia, but, in Spring, they still make my heart sing :)
Welcome back, Marie. I'm glad you enjoyed the photos :)
Great to have your company, Berit. Frogs are the magical creatures from our childhood :)
I am so glad you liked the photos, Andree, and so sorry you were unable to watch the little video. Perhaps if you type 'Leap Frog At Barleycorn' into Google you will be able to watch it there. Occasionally they stop and start, but they are mostly ok, as they are 'live' on the web :)
Our ponds are full of frogs in Spring, Anonymous. This year we had 40+ gathered together for the mating season. We enjoyed their chorus every day :)
It is the norm in our ponds in spring, gt3 films, to have so many frogs. First they mate in the front pond. Then they hop around to the back pond and begin again :)
Great to have your company, Sandy. the frogs are very entertaing..a real treat after the long dark days of Winter :)
A wam welcome to you, Border Reiver. Thank you for popping over via Shirl who, along with Jamie, helped me to get the video on my blog.
I can't say we are having warm days yet...still snowy showers these past few days, so I'm a little envious of your warm temperatures. Dorset is a very beautiful part of the country :)
Thank you for the lovely compliments :)
Hello again, Jeanne, great to have you visit our garden :) I am very flattered by your kind words :)
You are another very welcome visitor, dear Green Thumb. I am like you in that the wildlife in our garden never fails to give me a frisson of excitement, for they enhance the garden, bring it to life and give it meaning :)
Thank you for your generous words :)
I was so pleased to be able to have the video as part of my post, Dear Sally. I had been trying for days on end to accomplish the task...but my friend Shirl and my new 'best' friend Jamie helped me to do just that :)
I have kept the instructions in case anyone approaches me for help :)
I agree that frogs have a charm of their own, Sandy Carlson, for they make us smile and earn their keep by gobbling up lots of 'pesky varmints' which eat our precious plants :)
Me too, Kathleen :)
Love love love to see the Froggie! I sure hope when I return home from the deserts of Arizona in May I am pleasantly surprised with a few Frogs too! Happy day to you..
Thanks for making me smile today WG. I enjoyed your post and the video. I didn't forget to crank up the volume for maximum enjoyment. :-)How nice that you have blogging friends for technical support!
Welcome to you, dear Nature girl. We do love the froggies, you and I :) Enjoy your trip in Arizona :)
I'm glad I made you smile, Yolanda. That's made my day :)
It is great to have blogging friends, Shirl and Jamie, whom I can call on for technical support :)
Love your froggies!!! :-)
Lovely to have your company, Smilnsigh. Glad you enjoyed the froggies :)
Just had to come back for another look. I so wish I could come across some frogs to photograph.
love these pictures.
Your leap frog video was fun to watch. They are amazing creatures and are carrying on the most interesting conversations. Thank you for letting us look on and listen in!!
Have a lovely weekend,
Good morning to you, dear Sandy and Kate, on this snow-laden Saturday morning! Yes, that's right! We have a Winter wonderland at Barleycorn today. Let's hope it's for a short spell only as there are lots of newborn baby lambs bleating in the nearby field.
The frogs have been great fun to watch, I agree, dear Kate. I wish you had some too, Sandy.
Soon I will do a post with the next stage in the story... :)
Hi Wg, these photos, just like the ones below, are wonderful. I've got some great frog photos I would love to do a painting from some day. I hope perhaps, you will do one too..that would be awesome. : )
Fantastic Wildlife Gardener!! Love the frog pic's, & the video!:D I look forward to seeing life in my pond again soon!! I also love the frog pics in earlier post~great captures!!
Hope you enjoyed the weekend, & have a great upcoming week in your little corner of paradise!!
A happy Monday morning to you, dear Ruth :)
I have actually painted the frogs in the pond before...but I must do some more. I'd love to see yours too :)
Great to have your company, dear Catherine :)
The frogs have been very popular as they bring their own charm to the garden. It gives me so much pleasure to watch their life cycle in the ponds each year, and I like sharing the pleasure with everyone :)
I remember that "Little Green Frog song' from children's radio..!
I also remember frog spawn in an aquarium in the classroom, as we watched them evolve. I must go and see your video now..
* A warm welcome, dear Sheila. I learned the song in primary one and I remember frogspawn in my primary five class. now it's forbidden, of course, as the frogs are getting scarcer due to the farmers draining their ponds. That's why I'm doing my bit... :)
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