Tuesday 15 December 2009

Barleycorn Panorama

Feeding Station

Each month during the year, I have been taking photos of the changing skies above Barleycorn. I thought it would be interesting to combine these photos with some of the pictures I took of the wildlife which visited the garden. You can see the result in the photo-slide below.

Christmas Blessing

May the Spirit of Christmas, which is Peace,
The Gladness of Christmas, which is Hope,
The Adoration of Christmas, which is Joy,
And the Heart of Christmas, which is Love
Be with Everyone, now and forever. Amen

Turn up the volume to enjoy the accompaniment of Mascagni's Intermezzo from Cavalleria Rusticana.


  1. Dear Wildlife Gardener....tku for the beautiful images, prayer and music....
    It always has a calming effect when I visit here.......may your Christmas be filled with peace, love and happiness.......

  2. What lovely Christmas wishes. I hope that the joy of Christmas is with you throughout the coming year.

    Beautiful slides of the land and sky and all manner of life. You truly do live in a corner of paradise at Barleycorn, and Taz looks as if he knows it!

  3. Lovely Message for this Special Season.

    Merry Christmas and God's Blessings from the Ramblers :)

  4. THIS is beautiful! Aaah.
    Blessings to you. Thank you, your presence is such a gift.

  5. Wildie, Happy holidays to you! I love the feeding station--with both birdseed and bench, everyone can eat.

  6. We all live in such a wonderful world don't we wildlife gardener. You have such a beautiful heart and soul.
    Merry Christmas to you and your's from across the miles.

  7. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! XO

  8. A lovely Christmas prayer..so perfect . I wish you Joy in this season of delight. I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  9. Just peeking in to thank you,
    for the bright blessing in my e-box! you are a treasure!!!

  10. sending you best wishes to you and your family for a peaceful and happy new year.

  11. Hope you've had a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year to you for 2010 - hope there will be more beatuiful skies over Barleycorn as well as many other exciting moments in your garden during 2010 - will visit again soon Miranda x
