Thursday 15 May 2008

Tantalising Tulips At Barleycorn

Through the window
By the window,
That is where
I'll be
Come tiptoe
Through the tulips
With me
Oh, tiptoe
From the garden
By the garden
Of the willow tree
And tiptoe
Through the tulips
With me
Knee deep
In flowers
We'll stray
We'll keep
The showers
And if I
Kiss you
In the garden,
In the moonlight
Will you
Pardon me?
And tiptoe
Through the tulips with me.
In May 2007 my husband and I were fortunate enough to travel south to spend two days at the Chelsea Flower Show in London. In the Great Pavilion - every gardener's delight - we fell in love with beautiful displays of tulips. We placed an order for our favourites, which arrived in late November. No sooner had the postman reached the top of the drive than I had pulled on my wellies, grabbed my spade and ran outside like an excited child, eager to plant my new bulbs. After the display of daffodils in my previous post, most of which have been frazzled in the soaring temperatures of the past week, we are thrilled to look upon our lovely tulips which bring back happy memories of our trip to Chelsea.
If you would like to see a rainbow of primula at Barleycorn, click here. This is my photo blog which I use from time to time, to show what's in bloom here at Barleycorn. It is especially handy when I am too busy in the garden to write about everything that's in flower.


  1. Lovely show of tulips, just one missing for me Tulipa sylvestris -Wild Tulip - only joking :)

  2. What a great selection of tulips you have! Beautiful! I also love to have plants in my garden which bring back nice memories, as it happened with you and the famous Chelsea Flower Show!

  3. A warm welcome, Everyone, to our little corner of paradise :)

    * Good morning, Duxbury Ramblers. Lovely to see you again. The wild tulip would be amazing in my garden...but I'll leave it in the wild, where it is meant to be :)

    * Great to see you, Barbara. I agree with you...every plant in our gardens has its own story to tell :)

  4. How very lovely and beautiful is all that you share with us.
    Love and hugs and smiles.
    I love those beautiful tulips.
    Love Jeanne ^j^

  5. All are nice photos. Seems nature comes to my living room. Thanks pal. Post more. All the best..

  6. Oh wow, double wow!! I really love the green and pink ones very different.
    I never really liked tulips, but after my small display this year they have become a great favourite of mine!!!

  7. Beautiful favourite is the lovely pale pink. It looks so delicate, quite lovely.

  8. I love that tulip that looks like a Monty Carlo biscuit! Will try not to think about eating it ;) Stunning photographs!

  9. Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! I love, love, love the first dark (black?) ones.
    ~ Monica

  10. Ooooh... I am having some serious tulip envy! I would normally say, "I really liked *this* one," in a comment, but honestly I liked them all. Stunning!

  11. Oh my, you have many more tulips than I do. I think I have one or two here somewhere. Your tulips are all looking like prize winning flowers to me. I think mine is orange. I do, however, like the way you have them in with other plants. I like that.

    Thanks to for your visit to my blog and for commenting about the old days and beating rugs and cleaning wallpaper.

  12. The tulips are amazing!! The colors and all the peteals are unbelieveable.

  13. I think I love tulips more than any other spring flower. The variety is endless!

  14. Gorgeous tulips. Thanks for your comment on my blog about my post on the film Manufactured Landscapes. You made a good list of UK failings and I wouldn't disagree with any of them. I think a weakness of the film that it didn't address the western demands that are driving the situation in China (our demand for endless plastic toys and new computers, our demand for places to dispose of our out of date electronics).

  15. Do you like tulips
    You have nearly as many as you have frogs.

    Cheers Mark

  16. Really beautiful tulips! They are one of my favourites! And all the nice clolrs!

  17. WOW| - that's the only word I have.....

  18. These are fantastic..!
    I love the multi petalled, multi coloured ones especially. What a wonderful showing they have made.

  19. Lovely pictures on your blog, love the wildlife garden you have, what a piece of paradise, will keep looking at your site BW Goosey

  20. Oh boy, you've got it bad, you've got a very severe case of tulipmania if I ever saw one. And no wonder they are gorgeous! Enjoy your beautiful tulips, long may they flower in your garden!

  21. G'day,
    I love the Tulips. I haven't seen a green one before.There is a show here in Canberra called Floriade each spring with millions of Tulips flowering together in the park in the city. A beautiful setting. I will put up some pics to share when it comes around again. Then you will be enjoying your autumn colours.

  22. Hi again Wildldife Gardener, stunning absolutley stunning your garden must be right now :-)

    Incredibly, nothing to do with Chelsea last year, I also have discovered a new love for the tulip this year too.

    I was looking for rich deep coloured plants for this year. Last autumn I passed a selection box of three in the food hall of a very well known department store. I bought a few boxes. They have been stunning and I am hooked too! They will be in my top ten memories of the garden for 2008 :-D

    Enjoy yours :-D

  23. Just beautiful! The first one looks so sensual and ripe. Spring must be a lovely and happy time at Barleycorn. Great selection of tulips-some soft and romantic, others cheerful, alsolove the hot oranges and unusual pint and green.

  24. These are totally stunning... no other words really! Have at last added a couple of posts to my blog... do pop over sometime... Bonne Weekend! Miranda

  25. I so enjoyed the tulip tour. Thank you. I sang too! Your gardens are living stories.
    Very lovely.

  26. G'Day,
    I just found the post from last year about floriade, there are some pictures of it in my #rd October 07 post if you would like to take a look.

  27. Beautiful tulips. Sure enjoyed seeing these. As always when I come by you have great photos to see.

  28. What a fantastic Tulip Tour ~~ and I could here "Tiny Tim" singing in the background (smile)

  29. Awesome collection dear W.G!
    Unfortunately I have never been able to grow Tulips here due to lack of supportive weather. I absolutely adore the spectrum of life at Barleycorn ranging from squirming tadpoles to gorgeous Tulips!!

  30. Good morning, Everyone, and welcome to our little corner of paradise :)

    I must apologise for the delay in replying to you all. My hubbie and I have been spreading ten tons of gravel on our paths and it took us the best part of three weeks to complete the project.

    * A warm welcome, dear Jeanne. I am so glad you liked the tulips. Thank you for all your encouraging words :)

    * Lovely to have your company, I am here. It's great to share the garden with you, my friend :)

    * Your garden has the wow factor too, dear Libby. I'm glad that tulipmania is catching :)

    * Nice to see you, dear Cheryl, as always. The pink diamond is very sweet, I agree :)

    * Welcome back, Anonymous. you are most welcome. The tulips do look good enough to eat...but we'll not go down that road...we'll stick to the veggies instead :)

    * The black parrots are stunningly beautiful, dear Monica. they have a sheen and an irridescence which makes them glow :)

    * I feel the same way, Blackswamp_Girl. they are all beautiful :)

    * I always like to plant my tulips amongst other plants, dear Abe, as it gives them protection as well as giving a lovely contrast :)

    * Thank you for introducing yourselves, Laurie and Chris. Lovely to meet you. I'm glad you enjoyed the show of tulips :)

    * I'm with you in your choice, dear Sally. In spite of having hundreds more daffodils, tulips are my favourite Spring flower :)

    * A warm welcome, Crafty Green Poet, to the Barleycorn garden. Thanks for visiting at tulip time :)

    * I wish I did have as many as the frogs, Mark :)

    * Lovely to see you, dear Helen. thanks for stopping by. We both love tulips, you and I :)

    * Wow...just about sums it up, dear Britt-Arnhild :)

    * The peony flowered ones are my favourites too, dear Sheila. you get so much for your money with them...variety of colour, multi-petalled and they open and close like candelabras :)

    * Thank you for introducing yourself, Goosey. And a warm welcome to you. Thanks for your lovely comments too :)

    * It's funny, Yolanda, every year around this time, without fail, I catch another bout of tulipmania :)

    * I will look forward to your next post to see your display, Linda May. Thanks for visiting :)

    * Thanks for stopping by, GT3 Films. Great to have your company :)

    * Lovely to meet you, Elzie. You are most welcome...come again :)

    * I will look forward to seeing yours, dear Shirl. Thank you for your generous words :)

    * You live in your tropical paradise, dear Nicole, where colour is of the utmost I thougt you'd enjoy the splash of Spring colour here at Barleycorn :)

    * Lovely to have your company, Miranda. Glad you enjoyed the show of tulips. I'll pop over soon to see your latest posts :)

    * I'm so glad you joined in the singing, Sherry. It seemed so apt... :)

    * Tiny Tim was singing along with me as well, dear Wanda :)

    * You say the loveliest things, dear Green Thumb. Although tulips are unsuitable in your climate I love all the hot colours in your garden and all you share with us :)

  31. Your flower-tulips look good enough to eat!
    Such a beautiful spring you are enjoying there.

    I recently found a nest of baby spiders in My Serenity Garden"

  32. Hi, everyone else seems to have covered what I think. I've never thought about Tulips that much but this year they've been in my mind, and everywhere. Great posting and thank you for charing your tip-toe through

  33. Wildie, I've been missing your posts. Everything OK? Another blog I don't know about? (Gasp) real life?!
    ~ Monica

  34. Just waving hi! Hope all is okay.

  35. I wish you all a warm welcome to our little corner of paradise and thank you for your patience in waiting for me to reply. We have members of the family who need a lot of my time at the moment. Hence the lack of time spent blogging :)

    * Welcome to you, dear Becky. I am coming over right away to see your nest of baby spiders :)

    * Hi there, Border Reiver, and it's great to see you again. You are most welcome...any time. Glad you enjoyed the tulips :)

    * Hello again, Marie. I wonder how warm it is in Norway today? Thanks for your visit. Great to have your company :)

    * I've just posted up a few posts, Garden Faerie, especially for you :)

    * I am well, thank you, dear Sandy, and on my way to visit you :)
