Tuesday 15 April 2008

A Plethora Of Tadpoles At Barleycorn


  1. Always interesting to watch tadpole hatchlings :-) I wonder what it feels like to be in the middle!

  2. Hello again, Chris. Good to have your company :)

    I've often wondered if they sing the nursery ditty, 'The one in the middle's the prettiest'! :)

  3. I just love tadpoles and used to catch them when i was a young girl.

    You sure have a bunch of them!

  4. Hello, dear Becky. Great to see you again :)

    The ponds are brimming with tadpoles at the moment...absolutely teeming with tadpoles :)

  5. Fun footage seeing the tadpoles doing the Hokey Cokey!

  6. Welcome back, Anonymous, to our little corner of paradise :)

    That's the music that popped into my head as I watched them wiggle this way and that...and turn around :)

  7. Hey that was great to see! I wish I had a pond (well I do but nothing is in it, it's a little pond in our yard)...great sharing today.


  8. * Hello, dear Sandy. Great to have your company at Barleycorn :)

    I'm glad you were entertained..the tadpoles enjoy dancing around :)

  9. This was wonderful, Thank you!
    Wow, you do have lots and lots of darling tadpoles. I sang "Hokey Chokey" as I watched. Wonderful video.

  10. * Thanks for joining in the fun, Sherry...it was great fun to make the video :)

  11. Hi again, Wildlife Gardener :-D

    I can see that great fun can be had taking video footage from activities within a pond. Do you get ducks dropping in too?

    Look forward to seeing more games from your pond. I suppose the heron visit, taking frogs away, was 'pass the parcel'!

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend :-D

  12. * Lovely to have you comment twice in one day, Shirl..I feel humbled :)

    We have only seen a pair of mallard ducks once in the front pond and as we had a lot of duckweed that year they wer a welcome sight :)

    When the heron came he was like a hungry pelican scooping up so many frogs; and he had the audacity to return for an extra helping of tadpole soup, so I ran outside and flapped my arms to chase him away :)

  13. It's nice to see and hear the all singing and all dancing tadpoles at Barleycorn. ;-)

  14. * I'm so glad you enjoyed the show, Yolanda Elizabet :)
