Thursday 24 April 2008

Male Smooth Newt Comes To Dinner


  1. Strange, yesterday I already saw this little video and made a comment, but I see, that I failed. So here again, in Spring I also like to sit on our little pond and to watch all the busy newts. I wonder why frogs always dissapear after a while (perhaps too many cats around?). Up to now I haven't discovered one...I like your videos very much, you have a quiet hand for filming! Very good! It's also nice to hear the sounds of nature!!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. * Great to have your company, Barbara :)

    Sometimes I leave comments and when I go back they have disappeared too. thank you for coming back to see the newts and share the birdsong :)

  3. I loved watching this little mini video. Makes up for all that I have missed at the local ponds here.

  4. * I hope the wild creatures return to your local ponds, Cheryl. They bring the ponds to life. I'm so glad you enjoyed the videos. I had to post three as the newts only surfaced every so often and mainly fed on tadpoles from underneath, making it too difficult to film with a basic camera :)

  5. I always love your videos and great pics above and love the education I get coming here.


  6. * Welcome back, dear Sandy, to our little corner of paradise :)

    Thank you for visiting and saying such lovely things. I'm afraid the education thing is a case of 'once a teacher...always a teacher' :) :)
