Wednesday 22 August 2007

One Misty, Moisty Morning

In the deafening silence, The early morning dew
has painted droplets
on filigree nets.
Interlacing secrets,
created by silent weavers, while we slept.
Each quite unique,
of unparalleled beauty,
transparent, yet visible,
A magical transformation.


  1. For me these filigrane nets are typical and first harbingers of autumn. I guess you won't find them in this quantity in summer. Lovely pictures, lovely post! It is always interesting to return to your blog.

  2. The webs are beautiful in your photos, as long as they stay there!

  3. What lovely prose and magical photographs. Thanks for sharing.
    Sara from farmingfriends

  4. Beautiful webs! We should start seeing them here in Iowa soon.

  5. I dod't like spiders, but the spider's web is beautiful with morning dew...

  6. So of the beauties of Autumn is the spiders lacy webs and they look so beautiful with frost on them to. :o)

  7. Such artful weavers spider's are!
    Lovely photos and words.
    We have a lot of webs here at present as there seem to be a lot of the very destructive Tent Moths.
    They emerged last month from the tents they built when they were caterpillars , and now the trees are festooned with these 'huge' lanterns. Give me a spider anyday..!

  8. wow, I think it`s beautiful.

  9. Good morning, Barbara, and welcome once again. The misty moisty morning is most definitely a sign of Autumn for us. I always find it amazing to know that there are so many webs around the garden, but we rarely see them...until the dew hangs strings of little pearls along them :)

    Hello, libby, and welcome to a spider's paradise :) I love the little creatures because they do me no harm and are a gardener's friend, eating many pests. Not sure I'd like to have tarantulas in my garden though, as I like the birds too much :)

    Welcome to our little corner of paradise, farmingfriends. Lovely to meet you. Since many of my forebears were involved in farming, I like your name already :) Thank you for being so gracious.

    Lovely to see you again, Iowa Gardening Woman. The webs are marvellous cstructures, aren't they? The wonder of nature never ceases to amaze me and gives me a happy feeling inside :)

    Thank you for revisiting, Marie. These little spiders won't harm you. They beaver away helping us :) Their webs remind me of those spirograph toys my children used to have.

    Hello, Ruth, and a warm welcome to you, too. I couldn't agree more. I posted some photos of frost on spider webs when I started my blog last November, because I thought they were stunning creations.

    That sounds exciting, Sheila. I've not seen these tent moth constructions you'll need write a post with pictures, especially for me :)

    Welcome, Helen. Thanks for introducing yourself. I'm glad you like the dew on the webs.

  10. You have a wonderful selection of beautiful weavings *!*

  11. Good day, bimbimbie! Lovely to see you again. They are magical weavers right enough :)

  12. Simply beautiful photos. Thank you!


  13. Good morning, smilnsigh, and a warm welcome to you. I'm always fascinated by spider webs, and happy to share them with everyone :)

  14. beautiful and magical images of a misty morning at home...

  15. Thank you for introducing yourself, Marita. Welcome to our little corner of paradise. thank you for the compliments :)

  16. That's how I refer to mornings like that! :0 Beautiful photos W.G. You've captured the magic beautifully.

  17. Even though I don't really love spiders, those are awesome photos!

  18. Good afternoon, Sally, and a warm welcome to you. thank you for the compliments :)

    Lovely to see you again, Em. They are wonderful little creatures with their magical weaving :)

  19. Thank you for your comment in my The Gift of Growing Older entry, which leads to where the lovely words are posted...

    But I'm already sure that you share these ideas. :-)


  20. You are very welcome, smilnsigh. Thank you for intoducing the new blog to me.

  21. Wonderful pictures - I particularly like the first two. We've had no summer to speak of so it's time to move on to the next season!

  22. Good morning, Karen, and a warm welcome to you once again. Very definite signs of seasons of mist and mellow fruitfulness here now.

  23. Most certainly magical!! You have had
    some silent weavers for sure..just so amazing the various patterns!! Thank you for calling me!!hugs NG

  24. Awesome photo's!!! I'm jealous~~Try as I might, I can't get a good shot of a spider web..your web shots are wonderful!!

  25. Welcome to our little corner of paradise, nature girl. Lovely to see you again. Very skilful little creatures.

    Welcome to you too, catherine, and lovely to meet you. Thank you for the lovely compliments :)

  26. Wow, so "captivating". I love these photos!

  27. Lovely to see you again, sue "sioux" seibert. You are most welcome. I'm so glad you enjoyed the photos.

  28. Isn't it amazing just how many spiders there are in your garden. We've had several misty mornings this humid summer and all the webs were revealed. I think I counted more than 50 ground spiders alone and that wasn't even checking the swale we have in the back yard. Great photos.

  29. Good afternoon, ki, and welcome to our little corner of paradise. Spiders are great fun, aren't they? Amazing creatures. Thanks for the compliments.

  30. It seems to be autum! Wonderful pictures from a magical morning.
    Silke & Wolfgang
