Saturday 28 July 2007

Wind Through The Barley


  1. Beautiful sights and sounds...especially hearing the bird calls in the wind!

  2. Welcome, sue "sioux" seibert, to our little corner of paradise. These winds seem ever-present to us, as we are so open here. But I love the song of the wind through the barley....not so keen on the gales in winter though!

  3. Very cool W.G.! I wonder - do you get tornadoes in Scotland?

  4. Thankfully, no, Sally, but in England this year there was evidence of a tornado with roofs ripped off houses and even some houses flattened, which is most unusual...but then our weather patterns are changing globally, aren't they?

    In winter we get severe gales when hen-houses and live sheep are blown away, and greenhouses are often shattered. But we have lots to be thankful for when we look at the damage the tornados do elsewhere.

  5. I really enjoyed your post and the video. That wind is so loud..!
    I always feel it clears the air, it certainly blows away the cobwebs..!

  6. A warm welcome, Sheila. Lovely to hear from you after your wonderful holiday. It is a noisy wind, and I had thought, since it was about the barley field, that I might play Sting's song as accompaniment, but I really wanted everyone to hear the song of the wind :)

  7. That is what you call wind. Sting's song would have been nice, but the natural sound of the wind is better.

  8. Thanks, Martin. A warm welcome to you. It's often wild round here with the seemingly ever-present wind.

  9. Hi again, Wildlife Gardener

    I completely see where you are coming from - wishing to share the songs of the wind as it makes its way through your garden.

    Once, I had been working inside my garden shed and heard music outside. Curious, I opened the door to find my bamboo blowing in the wind and sounding really quite musical! It made me smile.

    You couldn’t have shown this video in any other way. Sadly the processes involved to upload videos are not forgiving at all of fast movement – hence the pixilation and pauses. It is still wonderful that you can share moments in your garden in this way – please continue!

  10. Thanks once again, shirl for your positive has me purring :)

    I also love the gentle sound of the swaying of the giant stipa grass we have, when the oats are rattling at the tops of the stems.

  11. That was a refreshing walk . . . i'm so glad I wasn't wearing a dress today. Ha ha!
    I must get out my video camera and do a little movie too. I just love this!
    Thanks for visits to my garden-blog and your kind comments.
    I'll be back soon.

  12. Good morning, Becky. It was definitely too windy for a dress that day!

    I would love to see little video clips from more of the gardens I visit. They are great fun to make. Speaking as an amateur, if I can, you can too :)
