Tuesday 17 July 2007

Stormy Weather.

We have had smirry showers, torrential rain creating enormous puddles and thunder and lightning storms in this area for the best part of the last six weeks. Today we had another thunderstorm.

Afterwards, the sun came out and shone across the barley in the adjacent field, giving it a golden hue. Although the flowers in the garden are looking rather bedraggled and windswept, with many of the petals having been scattered on the ground, Barleycorn still holds a special magic for me, even in its wild state.

After the storm I decided to take the little video called Summertime At Barleycorn. Photos showing what's in bloom here are, as usual, in http://ayearinpicturesatbarleycorn.blogspot.com/


  1. You certainly have a garden of paradise there! Beautiful!

  2. Welcome, Libby, and thank you for your gracious comment. I love visiting yours as it is so different to any other garden I visit...very exotic.

  3. Who doesn't love a summer thunderstorm?? They are refreshing.

  4. Welcome, dirty fingernails. If hot weather comes afterwards the thunderstorms are refreshing, but when it's more cold windy weather, they get a bit boring! I'm longing for some sunshine :) We've had sooo much rain for the past two months :(

  5. It was wonderful to dance among the flowers with you as I viewed your video!Oh that open field next to you! A dream for me!I loved seeing your feline family enjoying the garden too!

    We had had so little rain here this summer...we could use some of yours..rains overnight but that's it probably 3 times all summer!!Hard to keep the grass green!
    Certainly hope things dry up for you..in the meantime keep those water boots close! hugs NG

  6. I just had to show my husband {The Gardner} some of your blog. To let him know why...when I see you comment on his flowers, I am so thrilled. You are an amazing Gardner, and your words are... well, special.


  7. Just the name Barleycorn is magical in my mind!! I can't wait for more updated paintings by you. Have you been painting much?

  8. Hello again, nature girl. A warm welcome to you. Thank you for your encouraging comments. Because we have had so much rain and wind and thunderstorms, I am so thankful for our garden and ponds to look at each day. I don't mean to sound like Eeyore :) And the barley field is such a pleasure to watch too. It inspired me in my little poem at the side...Wind through the barley.

    You are so good for my morale, smilnsigh! I enjoy our correspondence across the miles and ocean between us. We are like kindred spirits :)

    A warm welcome to you, sandy. I called the house and garden Barleycorn because it's an old English word for seed/grain. Farmers used to take their barleycorns to be weighed to see what price they'd get for their harvest.

    I have just posted another of my watercolour paintings. This is one of lilies this time. Thank you for your interest in them :)

  9. Hello .. came over for my flower garden fix - I think Jack Frost has migrated Down Under and I'm going to have to ask the government to kick him out *!* I've tagged you if you want to "play" come and have a look
    Smiles *!*

  10. We've been having the same weather WG. my garden soil is so wet that I can't plant or sow at the moment in my veggie garden.

    Hopefully we'll be getting lots sunshine and dry weather in Scotland and the Netherlands soon!

    BTW the kitties over here are getting a bit grumpy because they want to play in the garden but not when it's that wet and soggy.

  11. Good morning, bimbimbie. I think all the weather patterns are all tapsalteerie...which is a Scottish word for 'topsy turvy'. I'm intrigued by your offer, so I'll be over to find out...

    I'm a cock-eyed optimist, Yolanda, so I do believe the weather will become warm again...and soon, I hope :) Our cats are certainly more inside than out at the moment, though we leave the barn doors open and let them prowl around for mice and voles, if we can get them to venture out, that is :)

  12. Hi again, Wildlife Gardener

    I have finally posted on “Bloggers For Positive Global Change” and I have nominated you! Sorry it took so long to do.

  13. Sorry, Wildlife Gardener misunderstood the whole nomination for awards thing and have deleted my post.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.
