Tuesday 10 July 2007

Bloggers For Positive Global Change Award

I feel very honoured to have been nominated for this award by Mark Ecclestone whose blog is

In his profile he says : For as long as I can remember I have been interested in Nature and Wildlife. But my interest in plants and gardening came later. I feel that this might be due to the fact , that as a child I was dragged around garden centres and nurseries every weekend and I hated it. It wasn't until I had a house and family of my own that the uncontrollable urge to visit them again began to surface. The purchase of a digital camera in 2002 was the start of a new obsession, PHOTOGRAPHY. It seemed natural to start to photograph the nature, wildlife and plants that have always interested me so much. The Blog will keep you up to date with how all my interests continue to develop.You can view more of my images at Dragons and Damsels Wildlife Photography.

The award is the brain child of Climate Of Our Future to commemorate blogger's efforts around the world to share their knowledge, thoughts and inspirations in making this a better, healthier, more sustainable world.

Meme Rules

It’s easy to participate in this meme. At minimum, you can proudly display the BPGC badge (it’s available in two varieties: Transparent GIF and JPEG with white background) on your blog and bask in the glow of our collective good will. If you are sharing the kudos, however, please make sure you pass this list of rules to the blogs you are tagging.

The participation rules are simple:

When you get tagged, write a post with links to up to 5 blogs that you think are trying to change the world in a positive way.
In your post, make sure you link back to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme.
Leave a comment or message for the bloggers you’re tagging, so they know they’re now part of the meme.
Optional : Proudly display the “Bloggers For Positive Global Change” award badge with a link to the post that you write up.

So, in keeping with the participation rules below-- I, in turn, pass this Bloggers for Positive Global Change Award to the following 5 bloggers:

1. Yolanda Elizabeth of http://blissyo-elgarden.blogspot.com/

In her profile she says : Horti-barbarica, Dutch, of the female persuasion, garden and interior designer, gardening on heavy clay and digging it! Author of many articles, published in various magazines throughout the world about cats, genetics, cattery management, feline behaviour etc. and has written a book : De Blauwe Rus (the Russian Blue Cat).

In her profile she says : A Scottish Garden Diary following the seasons through its plants, visiting birds and wildlife. Centrally located, this small private garden is in Perthshire which is a very scenic part of Scotland.

In her profile she says : I am a Doctor with a passion for gardening. Being a working woman and a mother of a two year old, whatever little time I get I like to spend with my lants. It gives me immense pleasure and contentment to see my garden bloom.

In her profile she says : My real name is Kim. I grew up on the edge of the former Black Swamp in NW Ohio but now live (and garden) near the sandy shores of Lake Erie in NE Ohio. My house, built in 1919, occupies a small urban lot. I am trying to build a small garden there that 1) thinks big, 2) is environmentally sensitive, 3) marries form (aesthetics) with function (edibles), and 4) still fosters the sense of wonder and humour that all memorable gardens seem to have.

In her profile she says : When taking photos of the wonderful world of insects and plants, please remember that they are just as important as you. I would never harm an insect or destroy a plant just to get a good photo. I want to have fun taking photos but don't intend to compromise nature in doing so!

These five blogs are very worthy of being recommended for this new award. When you visit them you will see all the different ways in which they are contributing to make the world a better place.


  1. Compared to many fine blogs I'm not sure I deserve this award as much as they do as I have been rather lax in bringing up "green issues" on my blog and know that I should do more than I do for the enviroment and the world we live in. Thank you for considering my blog worthy and for quoting from my Bee's Eye View Blog; I've heard of some photographer's who stun or kill insects in order to get a "good photo" and that worries me greatly.

  2. Welcome Ruth. Your blogs are great and they are ample evidence that you are doing heaps for wildlife...and sharing your wonderful photographs of all the amazing insects and creatures which love to visit and live in your beautiful garden. Your love of it all comes through so clearly and is an inspiration to all who visit your blogs. I hope, by recommending yours, that many more bloggers will be able to see for themselves all the good work you are doing on a daily basis.

  3. Thank you, Sandy. I hope that those who visit will go and ahve a look at those blogs I have recommended.

  4. Congratulations on your Award. Your blogging is certainly deserving of such. Your blogs are both beautiful and inspiring.

    Thank you for commenting in my other blog. I replied there, with another question. :-)


  5. And very good blogs they are W.G. Congratulations - you deserve it. Ummm...I'm waiting for another high summer video....(I LOVE those!) LOL

  6. Welcome smilnsigh. this is good fun, as it helps to promote other blogs :)

    Hello, Sally. I'd like to do another video of the garden. I'm waiting for some sunshine :) The last one I did was of the thunderstorm, and it's been wet for the best part of the last six weeks here :(

  7. I have been a visited all these blogs. Its lovely to see what other people do in their gardens and lives! Thank you.

  8. Congratulations, I love visiting your garden and will take a wander to the gardens you have nominated .... I hope you get to see some more sun before the end of summer *!*

  9. Congratulations on your award. You are well deserving of it!

  10. Hi again, Wildlife Gardener

    What a great topic for an award. Congratulations on your nomination – you are definitely most worthy of it!

    Thank-you - I am humbled and absolutely thrilled that you have chosen to nominate me! What a lovely surprise to come back to – your nomination came on the day of my Silver Wedding Anniversary too.

  11. Congratulations on receiving this award WG, it is well deserved!!!

    To my surprise I found that you have nominated me in turn.(blushes) Thanks, I appreciate it!

    Over here it has been raining buckets too and we've had many a thunderstorm. We're having one right now, as a matter of fact. Sigh! Hopefully there are some sunny days for us all in store too.

  12. Welcome to you, Libby, and thank you for visiting the other blogs. It's wonderful to see photographs and read about the various gardens around the world from their enthusiastic owners.

    Hello, bimbimbie, and welcome to you too. Oh, I do hope we get some sunshine this summer too after all the rain we have been having...and I hope you get some rain for your parched gardens :)

    You are very kind, Kate, and I thank you very much. Your garden is amazing too with that amazing blue wall. I can't wait to see what's ahead, but I bet it will be very artistic.

    With your nestbox camera, all your wonderful bird photography and your beautiful planting, Shirl, it's no surprise I nominated you for this award. I hope you get many bloggers coming to share in it all....and many congratulations on your Silver Wedding Anniversary!

    Yolanda, what can I say? Your garden is an inspiration to all the many blogging friends, as your comment boxes show. I love all of it - from the photos, to the planting schemes, as well as the interesting read...and the quotes at the end are a lovely touch too!

    I have been so busy in my garden recently I've not had much time to blog....hopefully, soon.

  13. Congratulations! You deserve it. Your blog is a wonderful read.

  14. Thank you very kindly, IGW. I hope everyone will look at those blogs I think worthy of the award.
