Tuesday 15 May 2007

Cheerful Summer Bedding.

Even though we have a sizeable cottage garden with a large variety of wild and cultivated flowers, having a few pots and containers planted up with colourful Summer bedding can help to brighten up and enrich a dull area.
Alternatively, these containers can be transported to an area of the garden where the plants have finished blooming, or be arranged in a little group in a corner of the patio, thereby helping to soften the hard look of the concrete.
For nearly forty years, I have always managed to bring on trays of seeds without ever feeling the need for a greenhouse, though I do make use of a glass-covered coldframe to harden-off the plants.
Three years ago, however, my husband bought me a mini greenhouse with two shelves and a zip-on plastic cover. That year I thought I’d make use of the mini greenhouse to grow biennials and perennials, since I was used to my own method of bringing on the annual seeds.
The inevitable happened. I filled the two shelves with six trays of foxglove and delphinium seeds, which culminated in about 300 pots having to be hardened-off, though I did have great fun sharing them out with family and friends.


  1. I don't make nearly enough use of pots, but you're inspiring me to try to do more - your displays are so lovely!

  2. Thank you, Karen. I really managed to grow seeds well with no greenhouse. I was secretly scared I might get 'hooked' and grow too much, and my hubbie thought I might disappear for days on end if had one! Hence the reason for using the mini one for bringing on perennials and biennials. But, even there, I've had to curb my enthusiasm...

  3. Hi,great colour and the best bit is sharing with friends and family, i have plants in my garden that came from my Grandparents garden, i think its a great way to remember them ,i have given clumps away to other people so spreading it everywhere.
    Cheers Mark

  4. Thanks, Mark, I agree, the more we share, the more our gardens seem to blossom!

  5. Hi dear wildlife gardener!
    The idea of having containers filled with summer flowers is pretty exciting, in fact the impressive bouquet of colors you have on display in those containers has me hooked to the concept.

  6. They are certainly cheerful those containers of yours.

    It's good to read that we all make the same *mistake* of sowing too much. Never mind, we can always make other people happy with our seedlings. ;-)

  7. I love container gardening!It can add such a punch of color and interest to
    otherwise a boring corner of the garden and as you said to soften the harsh look of concrete! That's my project today! Filling my containers with color! Happy Gardening! Hugs NG

  8. I love potted colour and miss seeing big beautiful hanging baskets with plants oozing over the sides. I just planted some purple & yellow pansies at the weekend, childhood favourites from my grandad who grew them alongside his roses

  9. Your containers are spectacular...what a riot of colour. You certainly have green fingers..!

  10. Welcome, everyone, to our little corner of paradise, and thanks for visiting.

    Hi, green thumb! The best thing about the containers is that they give colour throughout the summer. The last photo was taken in October last year. I have only just planted up this year's pots.

    You are quite correct, Yolanda Elizabet, I, too, am guilty of sowing too much. I find the packets of seed too tempting...a bit like being in a sweetie shop!

    Welcome, Nature Girl! Thank you for your kind words. I look forward to visiting your garden to see your containers.

    I love pansies, bimbimbie, with their pretty little faces. I shall come over for a visit to see them. They will remind you, in the loveliest possible way, of your dear grandad.

    Hello, Sheila, and welcome to you too. Thank you for visiting and for your compliments. It is good fun to plant up the pots and watch the trailing lobelia and diascias spill over the edges, giving a graceful look to the display.

  11. Now just imagine the problems you would have if you had a greenhouse!!!! Your friends would run a mile everytime they saw you coming!! lol!!

  12. What beautiful colors you have in your pots. So bright and cheerful!

  13. I know, Libby! I had to sell some at our church fete too....

    Thanks, Sally, they do cheer up a dull day. Thanks for visiting.

  14. what a beautifuull flowers you have !in pots and containers ,the colour are my favorietes as well ,this is the first time that i look to your blog ,today i visit a lot of blogs al over the world what a beauti there is al over wil you take a look at my n to?www.tuinfreakina130260.web-log.nl greets from holland

  15. Such a sight! (:

    I beleive that your flowers manage well without a greenhouse. (:

  16. Welcome, Ina, and thank you for introducing yourself and for your very kind comments.

    Hello, Ida, lovely to meet you. Thank you for the compliment about my flowers.

  17. Dear Wildlife Gardener,

    I loved the potted plants and their arrangement.They look extremely pretty.

  18. You are very gracious, dear Thalia. Thank you for your kind words.
