Tuesday 6 March 2007

Hybrid Teas.

Below our kitchen window, which faces west, we have two hybrid tea roses, presents for my birthday sixteen years ago, from my two sons and my two nephews. The first one I planted is the multicoloured Peace rose, which has large double blossoms in bright yellow, edged with a soft pink that deepens with maturity. It exudes a mild, fruity fragrance. Although its leaves are a little bit susceptible to black spot, I continue to grow it as I love nothing better than cutting three of its long-lasting flowers to put in a jug, which I then give pride of place on our dining-room table.

The second, Silver Jubilee, introduced in 1976 to commemorate H. M. the Queen’s 25th year of reign, is a slightly fragrant, shapely rose with silvery-pink and apricot colours. Its free-flowering ability on a vigorous bushy plant is not spoiled by the hot sun and rain, which makes it a very robust and outstanding specimen in any garden. Its dark green foliage is both glossy and luxuriant. So far, it has been disease-resistant and hardy, surviving a few heavy falls of snow, severe gales and temperatures of minus twelve, which makes it worthy of celebration in my book.


  1. The Peace rose is still one of my favorites! Beautiful photo!

  2. Maybe you already know this information...On 29th april 1945, when Berlin fell,it was officially considered the end of the Second World War in Europe. Later that year, Peace Roses were given to each of the delegations at the inaugural meeting of the United Nations in San Francisco, with a note which read, 'We hope the 'Peace'Rose will influence men's thoughts for everlasting world peace'. Like, you, I love the Peace Rose.

  3. I am SO JEALOUS of your beautiful roses! I have killed more tea roses than I care to admit. I've found something called a "Western Rose" is the only thing that will survive. Beautiful pictures. Oh - and I like your paintings too! So glad I found you through Iowa Gardening Woman.
