Sunday 25 March 2007

The Frog Chorus At Barleycorn


  1. Wow, that was fantastic! Along with the beautiful pictures of your garden, I am now getting to watch videos too! Thank you. That was wonderful! And hearing the bird songs in the background, I am just wondering how many birds must have been there. Your garden must be teeming with bird-life!

  2. That was fun. It reminded me of the pond that I had in my previous garden. If all goes well, there will be a new pond this year in my new garden. Hurray! I miss the frogs, the fishes, and all the creatures that live in and around a pond.

  3. Thank you all - Ruth, Thalia, Yolanda Elizabet - so much for your encouraging comments...and I look forward to seeing your new pond, Yolanda Elizabet.We do love our ponds and Springtime with the frogs and newts is very exciting. We get toad spawn too, but we've never been lucky enough to find them mating, so no pictures for now. But I'll post the ribbon of spawn when we find it. My elder son helped me to embed my video onto the youtube, but we didn't manage to transfer the recording of the Dawn Chorus I made a few days ago, so I'll just have to listen to that on my own for the moment. When he discovers the magic formula, he will pass it on to me, as he gives me every encouragement with my blog. In fact, when I said I wanted to write the story of the garden, it was he who suggested I start blogging.

  4. Re your comment on my blog about Persica; I always give mine a good potash feed after flowering....won't help for this year but maybe giving them a feed will help for next year.

  5. Thanks for that info, Ruth. I'll try it this year.

  6. Wow - that is so cool! I love waking up to the sound of bird songs. I do hope you and your son can figure out how to load that. Thanks WG!

  7. Thanks, Sally. I hope so too. The strongest and loveliest song is from a song thrush. But there are a few others in there too.

  8. How nice to see the little Scottish frog's, they don't croak with an accent though ?.

  9. That hedgehog with the cat is too cute! Thought I'd let you know I've posted some art photos on my garden and travel blogs

  10. Well, I'm not so sure about that, Martin! They do sound a bit like the pibroch (that's the chanter without the bagpipe!)

    Thanks, Nicole. He is a cutie-pie, isn't he?

  11. What a beautiful garden you have....and so much hard work you have put certainly is a haven.

  12. Thank you very much, Ziggywigs...can't grow the lavender you are going to have though, as it gets burned black with the winds here. Good luck with your kelp for the potato crop.

  13. What great footage. I love Frog song. There are so many of them! (I guess the mating was successful?;)

  14. Thanks, Monkey, for your generous comments. Yes, mating was successful...look at my photo a day blog to see the writhing mass of tadpoles.
