Tuesday 20 February 2007

Springing to life.

Although it is still officially Winter until the 22 March, we have snowdrops, aconites, primroses, crocuses and jasmine in flower, and buds appearing daily on honeysuckle, flowering currant and spirea, which are all early signs of Spring.

At this time of year leading up to Spring, probably the busiest season in the garden when plants are waking up and Winter clean-up has to be done, I become smitten with Spring fever. Most of our herbaceous plants have already formed new crowns, which creates in me a feeling of urgency to go out and clear away the chaff of last year’s growth.

Casting my gaze around the garden, I am conscious of little patches of cleavers, more commonly known as Sticky Willy, and areas where ground elder has sprouted. Both of these pernicious weeds are most easily uprooted in the Spring, when the herbaceous plants are still small enough to allow me ready access.

The weather feels milder. Each week we are having longer daylight. The Dawn Chorus has started. Bulbs are in bloom, although it’s mid-February still. It feels as if the worst of Winter, with its shortened days and long evenings, is gradually receding. There is an air of expectancy, which re-awakens in me, once more, feelings of renewed hope and interest in the delights of Spring to come.

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