Thursday 4 January 2007

My friend, the wind.

Gales and strong winds cause havoc in many places and this area is no exception. Greenhouses are smashed to smithereens, trees are knocked over like the pins in a bowling alley, and tall plants and flowers are decimated. In fact, anyone can tell the direction of the prevailing winds in this area by looking at the bent and bowed trees in our garden.

However, I regard the wind as my friend as well as my occasional enemy. By blowing seed from a variety of plants from one side of the garden to the other, it has given our cottage garden a more natural appearance. This is true of my annual seeds, which meander here and there giving a most pleasing effect.

Also, I have been able to double and treble the quantity of plants we have in the garden through self-sown seedlings on the gravel paths, having been carried there by the power of the wind. Many of the plants I pot up and give to friends are also from seedlings on the paths or between paving stones. So I've learned to appreciate the bounty from the wind.

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