Tuesday 9 January 2007

The first of the Barleycorn cats.

On most farms there will be several cats, the reason being that farms are in the countryside where mice live and breed and multiply and help themselves to the grain crops. Mice are delightful little creatures, but a nest of wild mice living in one’s home is not a desirable thing to have.

When we moved here, our younger son, who had enjoyed stroking the fur of every passing cat, had been promised a much-desired cat of his own. No sooner had we moved in than one, by the name of Beanie, made her presence felt by letting us know she’d like to live with us. That first Summer, our younger son and Beanie became glued at the hip.

After making enquiries as to her actual owner, we discovered that he had two younger cats and that Beanie had tried also to befriend another family, who had moved into the village prior to us. She clearly wanted to be by herself, away from the other cats, somewhere less busy, less noisy, where she didn't need to vie for attention.

Her owner saw how happy Beanie was with our son and was aware of how much time she spent in our garden. He knew we were willing to look after her and that she would still come and go, of her own freewill, between our houses. Our younger son felt his prayers had been answered, when Beanie made her choice and came to live with us.

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