Tuesday 19 December 2006

Grow old along with me...

When tackling a major project such as ours was, there are many days of sheer, back-breaking slog, which seem to stretch on and on without respite. It's important, therefore, to find a little diversion, to keep one's spirits up. One such project came about when a friendly neighbour, who was having a small stone wall removed to widen her garden, asked me if I would like the capping stones. Though only a handful in number, they were very pretty to look at. I decided it would be a good idea to make a feature of them.

As a child, my dad and I used to go for walks in the countryside every Sunday afternoon. As we walked along, he would recount memories of his childhood growing up on an island farm, and the beauty of nature around him. He described fields, carpeted in a succession of wild flowers throughout the season, and named many of the wild flowers we saw on our walks. My favourite was the beautiful dog-rose. My mum's name was Rose, so it was my dad's favourite wild flower too.

1 comment:

  1. Indeed, we have the same sundial. I must pass your site on to my dear friend, Linzi, from Scotland. I find it amazing the awesome gardens (people) through blogging. I wish I had more time to devote to my blog since other aspects of 'life' fill most of my day. I could spend an entire day simply browsing your site ...
